Our Pet Leash is designed to take on the worst weather with you, and be there when you need it the most. Made with a Waterproof coated materiel, you won't have to worry about soggy, smelly leashes after a rainy walk. With its durable construction and easy-to-clean materials our leashes will come out looking new with an easy wipe. The handle is equipped with a ring at to attach your waste bags, so you never go without them again.
Standard: $15 CAD
Estimated Delivery: 3-9 Working Days
- $10 on orders over $50
- Free on orders over $75
Express - $20 CAD
Estimated Delivery: 1-2 Working Days
- Free on orders over $150
Standard: $15 USD
Estimated Delivery: 4-8 Working Days
- $10 on orders over $50 USD
- Free on orders over $75 USD
Express: $25 USD
Estimated Delivery: 2-3 business days
- Free on orders over $175 USD
Standard: $20 AUD
Estimated Delivery: 6-12 Working Days
- Free on orders over $175 AUD
Express: $50 AUD
Estimated Delivery: 3-5 Working Days
- Free on orders over $250 AUD